
કલાमंजरी 2k24



Speaker 1

Speaker 1

Speaker 1

Speaker 1
Special Event

Speaker 1

Speaker 1
Snap & Reel

Speaker 1

Event Rules

About The Event

Bhavnagar is a cultural city. Culture is the total way of life that people in the society are blessed with. Through culture we are governed by norms and customs, which are the pillars of any society. Education is a pretty broad concept that surpasses the four walls of a classroom. The core aim of education is to foster all round development of a child. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible and cultural development. Co-Curricular activities like KalaManjari 2024 are those which are undertaken side by side with the curricular activities. It gives the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. These activities such as music, art or dramas take place as KalaMajari-2024 in GMIU. The aesthetic development like character building, spiritual and moral values, physical growth, creativity and many more are backed up by co-curricular activities only. It also professes coordination, adjustment, and speech fluency, extempore and debating skills amongst students. It teaches the students’ how to develop overall personality, Strengthened Self Confidence, Developed Specialized Skills, Improve Academic Performance, Greater Opportunities, Senses the Responsibility, Exposure to New Activities. KalaManjar2024 is a great effort of GMIUians.

I wish all my students to a great success of KalaManjari 2k24.